Saturday, July 15, 2006

Flying Tips for Electric Rc Airplanes.

I've been flying electric rc airplanes for awhile now and there's one thing a beginner pilot can always count on, you will crash many many many times. Its not a question of if, but when. In order to save you a lot of money in repairs or replacement planes, here are some flying tips I've found useful.

1. Always fly in an open field. Soccer fields, football fields, school yards and your local park are great places to fly. When you don't fly in open fields you risk crashing into tree branches, buildings, on rooftops and even the pavement. All of those things are very unforgiving to a plastic airplane.

2. Never fly on windy days. The best days to fly are when there's no wind or very little. The bigger the plane you have, the more stable it will be. The wind can knock around smaller planes more easily than larger ones.

3. Never fly into the sun. You'll almost always lose sight of your airplane.

4. Wait until you've climbed a good 40-50 feet before executing turns. Sometimes when you turn, the plane will lose altitude, execute a turn to low and you may not be able to pull it up in time.

5. Try not to fly your plane over rooftops or trees until you become more experienced. Often times you'll think your high enough to pass over them, but your not. The farther your flying away from you, the harder it is to gage how high you are.

6. Flying electric rc airplanes is a lot like driving rc cars, but a little more difficult. Often times when your trying to turn, the plane doesn't respond right away. Give it a second or two and then it should start to turn.

7. Give yourself plenty of distance for take offs and landings. It takes time for a plane to climb and descend..

8. Flying electric rc airplanes is a lot of fun, but its difficult to learn on your own. If you want to get good fast, take lessons from an instructor. Most clubs have experienced flyers that are more than delighted to help out beginners.


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7:28 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

I might consider selling it. What are you offering?


1:53 PM  
Blogger Johan Ainslie said...

Great info. I really enjoyed it. Why not more?
Hey, I've also got a blog on electric rc airplanes. Come have a look at

8:41 PM  
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8:37 PM  
Anonymous RC Airplane Engines said...

I really enjoyed rc airplane kits web site. Your Flying tips for Electric RC airplanes blog post was spot on.

6:55 PM  
Anonymous Kon said...

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5:05 PM  
Blogger Duarte Fernandes Pinto said...

What a fantastic blog for people who love aviation!!! Congratulations!!!
Please visit a portuguese blog which shows aerial pictures from Portugal taken during my flights:
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2:14 AM  
Anonymous rc planes said...

Thanks for sharing this information! I am into rc planes and it has been my hobby for two years.

7:56 PM  
Blogger JetAviator7 said...

Too bad no updates in a while. I have been working with my grand kids flying a rubber band powered airplane today and want to move them up to an electric powered model.

2:58 PM  
Anonymous Yuconman said...

Hey Kev, I think you have a pretty nice blog here.
I also have been flying for some time now too, about thirty years, and think that you should advise your readers that just because the airplane is electric does`nt mean that they are any safer than the gas counter parts when they are close to the same size. They can still do a lot of property and personal damage if not respected to the fullest. Unless you are a member of AMA you are not insured to fly outside of a santioned field and are personaly responsible for your actions. I am not talking about indoor or micro flyers of course, their size is so small that it would be pretty difficult to damage anything, but I have seen a 40 size electric get out of control and go through the side of a mini van.
Contact me if you would like a link to your blog.

6:20 AM  
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12:19 AM  
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Nice blog on rc airplane batteries.
Keep sharing more & more.....

1:13 AM  
Anonymous RC Meatball said...

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1:08 AM  
Blogger NoMoreGlow said...

I like the idea of helping those with the flying part, but what about the ones beyond the learning stage and want to upgrade or purchase a new plane? I have started a blog for these people. It is very new but I plan on posting test results for motors and new products, tips and tools for choosing a motor system, and answer questions for those that need more information. The blog is "". Stop on by and checkit out. Like I said, it is new but I'll be adding content over the next week or so.


2:26 PM  
Anonymous Paul said...

Great blog.

Dittos on your comment; "there's one thing a beginner pilot can always count on, you will crash many many many times." :)

Eventually though you will get the hang of it.

For years I have been into RC sailplanes, but now I'm trying my hand at an electric RC helicopter.

Back to crashing again!

6:59 PM  
Anonymous gifts for boys said...

This kind of all steps are so informative to drive Electronics RC planes.This all steps are so informative.

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Daniel said...

Great tips there!

2:19 PM  
Blogger helen said...

Good Information.Flaying RC Plane as a hobby has been growing worldwide. The hobby of RC Airplanes is an interesting one that has lots of options and opportunities. One of the best things about the hobby of model airplanes is the wide variety of styles and models that are available.

10:24 PM  
Blogger charles7328 said...

Flying radio control model airplanes is an exhilarating hobby and a great deal of fun, and if you're in the market for a new hobby then why not consider this excellent pastime?!

The hobby of rc flying has exploded in popularity in recent years, and this website
is all about helping you to get started quickly and safely.

2:34 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I learned to fly "solo" about 15 years ago and I am retaking the hobby. This time aiming at electric planes. I am in Bogotá (Colombia). I bought an ARF Avistar "Elite" at a hobby shop nearby. I am buying the expensive stuff from Amazon and bringing it when travelling to the US. The store owner recommended me to buy a 46 type brushless motor with a 60 - 80 ESC and a battery pack 6 cells 4000 - 5500 mah.The motor I bought is a E-flite 46 Outrunner 670kV. The ESC (recommended by E-Flite) is a ) E-Flite 60-Amp Pro Switch-mode BEC Brushless ESC Speed Control. Looking at the voltage range of the motor (14.4 to 19.2) it does not seem that a 6 cells battery is advisable as it will exceed the voltage range. Would anyone think that 5 cells is enough / better? Thanks in advance.

2:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice post. It is very useful tips to any beginner pilot those just starting with rc.

1:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Jasob said...

great advice, I got one of those for Xmas

2:38 PM  
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11:35 PM  
Blogger JetAviator7 said...

Flying RC airplanes can be fun but nothing beats the real things. I like to grab my Randolph Aviators and get some "air time" before close of day.

6:41 AM  
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3:04 AM  
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9:00 PM  
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9:26 AM  

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